2014 Achievements by Current and Past Students of the School
Chloe Bagayus: Incentive Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminar July.
Jadyn Bagayus: Excellence Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminar April.
Leo Brunton: Extra for RNZB Coppélia.
Honor Christian-Slane: Excellence Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminars April and July. Accepted to the NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Miranda Emza: Incentive Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminar April.
Katherine Horner: at the Tauranga Performing Arts Competition offered 50% scholarship to the Canterbury Ballet for 2015.
Steffanie Kobayashi-Cox: at the Tauranga Performing Arts Competition offered 50% scholarship to the Canterbury Ballet for 2015.
Lilly Maskery: Re-accepted to NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Louis Ramsay: Won a scholarship to a Los Angeles Academy Summer School. Re-accepted to NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Cynthia Son: Accepted into NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Evangaline Wensley: Incentive Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminar April.
Congratulations to the following students who gained Distinction in their Royal Academy of Dance Vocational Graded Exams
Advanced I: Miranda Emza, Katherine Horner, Joanna Li
Advanced Foundation: Chloe Bagayas, Isabel Bloomfield, Honor Christian-Slane, Daisy Hutchison, Nicole Kearney, Lilly Maskery, Louis Ramsay, Isabella Wensley
Intermediate: Cynthia Son, Georgia Warwick, Lulu Qiu
Intermediate Foundation: Sophia Adams, Jadyn Bagayas, Leo Brunton, Isabella Brown, Monet Galea-Hewitt, Sonia Li, Evangeline Wensleytional Graded Examinations
Congratulations to the following students who gained Distinction with Excellence (100%) in their NZAMD Contemporary Dance Examinations
Level IV: Isabel Bloomfield, Honor Christian-Slane, Katherine Horner, Steffanie Kobayashi-Cox, Lilly Maskery, Cynthia Son
Level II: Monet Galea-Hewitt
Level I: Leo Brunton, Hannah Loveman, Madalena Refiti
Jadyn Bagayus: Excellence Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminar April.
Leo Brunton: Extra for RNZB Coppélia.
Honor Christian-Slane: Excellence Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminars April and July. Accepted to the NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Miranda Emza: Incentive Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminar April.
Katherine Horner: at the Tauranga Performing Arts Competition offered 50% scholarship to the Canterbury Ballet for 2015.
Steffanie Kobayashi-Cox: at the Tauranga Performing Arts Competition offered 50% scholarship to the Canterbury Ballet for 2015.
Lilly Maskery: Re-accepted to NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Louis Ramsay: Won a scholarship to a Los Angeles Academy Summer School. Re-accepted to NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Cynthia Son: Accepted into NZSD Junior Associates programme 2015.
Evangaline Wensley: Incentive Award at the Auckland Academy of Dance Vocational Seminar April.
Congratulations to the following students who gained Distinction in their Royal Academy of Dance Vocational Graded Exams
Advanced I: Miranda Emza, Katherine Horner, Joanna Li
Advanced Foundation: Chloe Bagayas, Isabel Bloomfield, Honor Christian-Slane, Daisy Hutchison, Nicole Kearney, Lilly Maskery, Louis Ramsay, Isabella Wensley
Intermediate: Cynthia Son, Georgia Warwick, Lulu Qiu
Intermediate Foundation: Sophia Adams, Jadyn Bagayas, Leo Brunton, Isabella Brown, Monet Galea-Hewitt, Sonia Li, Evangeline Wensleytional Graded Examinations
Congratulations to the following students who gained Distinction with Excellence (100%) in their NZAMD Contemporary Dance Examinations
Level IV: Isabel Bloomfield, Honor Christian-Slane, Katherine Horner, Steffanie Kobayashi-Cox, Lilly Maskery, Cynthia Son
Level II: Monet Galea-Hewitt
Level I: Leo Brunton, Hannah Loveman, Madalena Refiti